of which 與 of whom 用法 VS whose, of whom 與 of which 用法

of which 與 of whom 用法 VS whose, of whom 與 of which 用法




先講of which 用法與 of whom 用法
whose, of whom與of which用法,有whose出現時可以怎樣互換,如果只講前者用法會學得不完全。


of which 用法與 of whom 用法

1. of 是表示「整体/沒有」的同位關係: A+of+B, 其中A和B 是「同位」,例:

His daugthers, both(A) of whom (B)work in Hong Kong, ring him every day.
I have tested all the watches, none (A)of which are waterproof!
常用字: all/both/none/neither/each of ‘w’


 2. of 是表示「部份」關係: A+of+B, 其中A【部份】和B 【整体】,例:
She went with many friends, few (A)of whom (B) brought the suitable equipments for the mountain climb.
The buses, most (A)of which (B)are full, is stuck(卡住)in this traffic jam!
常用字: few/little/most/several /some/many/much/ of ‘w’


 3. of which/of whom 直接表達「部份關係」
I have 2 brothers, of whom Billy is a fireman.
There are many countries in Asia, of which China is my motherland.


 4. 0f which/of whom 的of 是從子句的最後調上來的。
She has married a celebrity (名人)’of’ whom you must have heard.
= She had married a celebrity whom you must heard ‘of’.


of 從子句的最後調到whom 的前面了。這個做法可用在其他preposition 身上,那with whom, for whom, at which… 等情況也有可能出現。


The castle which I am pointing ‘at’ was built at mid century(中世紀).
=The castle ‘at’ which I am pointing was built at mid century.




另外,whose, of whom與of which在用法上是有關係的:


1. 關係代名詞 whose,引導定語從句(defining clause)時,既可指「人的」,又可指「物的」。

例: The girl whose hair is golden is from Ireland. (指人的)
例:The house whose main door is green is my office. (指物的)


2. of whom 只能指「人的」;of which 只能指「物的」,of whom 和 of which/whose有時可以與互換使用。不過要形容的名詞the ‘noun’會置前。如上面兩句可變成:
例:The girl the hair of whom is golden is from Ireland.
例:The house the door of which is green is my office.


3. “介詞 + whose +名詞” 定語從句,介詞乃又後面調上來
例:I love my city whose good prospect I will work hard for.
變成: I love my city for whose good prospect I will work hard.


4. 在下列情況下,一般只用 of whom 和 of which 前有 few, little, some, most, many, much, all, none, both, neither, each等時,一般只用of whom和of which,不能用whose。
例: In the room are lots of people, many of whom I don’t acquaint.
例: There are a lot of story books, only a few of which I have never read.
例:There are twenty students in our class, all of whom are working hard.
例:He planted two trees last summer, both of which are growing well.


 5. 定語從句的主語是「數字」一般只用of whom和of which。
例:The man has already three children , two of whom are still in college and one of whom is my manager!
He has three brothers, of whom Matthew is the youngest one.
There are many countries in Asia, of which China is the one of the largest.


which 用法-限定用法 及 非限定用法【按此了解更多】
in which, for which, on which, at which 用法【按此了解更多】

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