TOEFL Speaking 托福口說高分3點技巧及回答框架

TOEFL Speaking托福口說高分3點技巧及回答框架

在回答TOEFL Speaking時,皆可使用模板。其實TOEFL Speaking是有一定架構可跟的。
第一和第二條Independent tasks的回答架構:


1.先破題、支持理由一、支持理由二、支持理由三(如有的話optional)… ,結論(optional) 【回答內容要圍繞「個人相關經驗」】
例: Which kind of novels do you prefer: Scientific novels or historical novels?
先破題: I prefer scientific novels to historical novels.
支持理由一: Firstly, scientific novels stimulate my imagination and inspire my creativity.
支持理由二:Sometimes the development of the stories was just exactly the same as my guess. I found a great sense of achievement there.
支持理由三: Sometimes the development of the stories was out of my expectation and prediction. It was sublimating my creativity level.


2.怎樣掌握時間? 寧可時間到了還沒說完,而千萬不要還剩下時間!所以,以上理由三和結論是optional的。即如有時間,要提出來;如沒有時間就省掉。


3.練習教材: 黃金口說80題。跟據很多同學經驗,考題幾乎沒超過這些範圍,務必將此列入第一練習。練習一套內容,要套到許多題目上。這也就是「7+3英語」裡頭非常著重的舉一反三能力。


第三題Integrated Task
Reading Passage 跟校園事件有關: 學生會提出態度(支持或反對) ,並觀點。回答架構:
1.(The man/They) tends/tend to agree/disagree to XXXX plan of the school. (破題–態度)
2.Firstly, he points out that REASON 1. (觀點一)
3.Secondly, he also mentions that REASON 2. (觀點二)
4.In addition, he further indicates that REASON 3. (觀點三)
5.These are the reasons why the man agrees/ disagrees to the plan. (結論)


怎樣掌握時間? 跟上面一樣,寧可時間到了還沒說完,而千萬不要還剩下時間!


第四題Integrated Task
Reading Passage會處理一個General/abstract的terms. 而Lecturer會計對這些terms舉出較specific/concrete的examples. 如能力許可,盡量用「同義詞」代換!
1.The lecturer talks about the concept of ‘TOPIC’. (破題)
2.He provides two examples to further explain this: (承先啟後)
3.The first example is …. (例子一)
4.The second example is …(例子二)
5.As a result, according to the lecture, the topic is that GENERAL EXPLANATION.


第五題Integrated Task
1.Briefly describe the problem.
2.State the possible solutions.
3.Give your preference and reasons.




例: 1. The man has the problem that…
  1. There are two possible solutions for him to solve the problem. The first solution is … The second solution is …
  2. Between these two solutions, I prefer the second because…


第六題Integrated Task
不要參雜個人意見,只要summarize contents and answer the questions.
例: 1. The lecturer talks about the concept of ‘TOPIC’ (破題)
  1. He provides two examples to further explain the concept. (承先啟後)
  2. The first example is …. (例子一)
  3. The second example is … (例子二)


另外,我高度推薦7+3 英語的【十音標自然發音法】(按此:如何學好英語發音)
在speaking, 你發音愈接近native 是愈有好處的。透過這【十音標理論】(90分鐘就能學完,之後就是練習了),好好仔細做好consonants 的動作,朝native 口音方向邁進。愈早能甩掉本土錯誤囗音所帶來的壞印象,對speaking test 是有莫大脾益。


40小時 掌握 中學到大學英文 應用到TOEFL托福上【按此 到首頁 了解】
阿土英語教室Tomato 老師